Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Forex Market Daily Interest Rollover

In the spot fx market, trades settle in two business days and open trading positions held at time of rollover are automatically rolled over by the forex broker to the next settlement date, the open trade position is swapped for a new position expiring the following settlement date at 5pm EST rollover. This is also known as "tomorrow, next day" or simply "tom next."

For example, if you buy 200,000 Euros on Monday, you must deliver 200,000 Euros on Wednesday. On Wednesdays, the amount added or subtracted to an account as a result of rolling over a position tends to be around three times the usual amount. This "3-Day" rollover accounts for settlement of trades through the weekend period.

[ForexGen Introducing Brokers]

Introducing Brokers may be individuals or institutions who gain their income from the commissions and/or rebates by introducing customers to ForexGen trading.

WHAT are the advantages of being an INTRODUCING BROKERS with ForexGen?

* Providing the most huge income sharing plan
* Providing several ways for our IB's to charge commission.
* ForexGen IB can also charge commission for each lot the traders execute.
* Moreover, ForexGen IB is able to increase the spread for all or certain clients and have ForexGen Investments rebate the difference.

In case the IB does not increase the spread or charge their clients a commission, ForexGen rebate the IB a minor predefined amount for every client's executed lot.
Commission is paid out every month.

Individualized service

[ForexGen] offers our IB's individualized service created according to the individual needs and specified business situation for each IB.
Our Introducing Broker program provides a highly organized program for individualized services and organizations in order to introduce their clients to the online foreign currency exchange market, moreover they will enjoy the benefits of being a part of the ForexGen family.

ForexGen offers 1 pip spread on 10 pairs with high trading techniques that make ForexGen
incomparable to any other rival.

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