Sunday, January 11, 2009

German Government Expects Contraction in 2009

Despite encouraging news that retail sales rose by 0.7 percent in November, the German government is anticipating a contracting economy of 3.0 percent in 2009. Germany remains one of the more successful countries in the European Union fending off the worst parts of the recession, buoyed by the fact that less than one in twenty consumers have direct exposure to slumping equities.

Recently, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that the government plans to only release €25 billion ($35 billion) for a second stimulus plan. Conditions aren’t as sanguine as they might appear: a devastating fourth quarter is expected in part by industrial production and exports dropping by 6.4 percent and 10.6 percent in November, respectfully, and unemployment rising to 7.6% in December.

[ForexGen Introducing Brokers]

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